The Parts of the Mass

Prayers Before Mass

  1. The Asperges / Vidi Aquam (Sprinkling of Holy Water)
  2. Prayers at the Foot of the Altar
    1. Sign of the Cross
    2. Judica me, Psalm 42
    3. The Confiteor
    4. The Priests Ascends the Steps to the Altar

Mass Begins

Part 1: Mass of the Catechumens

  1. The Introit
  2. The Kyrie Eleison
  3. The Gloria
  4. The Collect
  5. The Epistle
  6. The Gradual and Alleluia
  7. The Gospel
  8. The Sermon
  9. The Nicene Creed

Part 2: Mass of the Faithful

  1. The Offertory
    1. Offering of the Host
    2. Offering of the Chalice
  2. The Lavabo (Washing of the Hands, Psalm 25:6-12)
  3. The “Orate Fratres”
  4. The Secret Prayer
  5. The Preface
  6. The “Sanctus”

The Canon

  1. Prayers Before the Consecration
    1. For the Church
    2. For the Living
    3. Invocation of the Saints
  2. Prayers at the Consecration
    1. The “Hanc Igitur”, Oblation of the Victim to God
    2. The “Quam Oblationem”, Request for God to Bless and Consecrate
  3. The Consecration of the Host
  4. The Elevation of the Host
  5. The Consecration of the Wine
  6. The Elevation of the Chalice
  7. Prayers After the Consecration
    1. To Offer the Victim
    2. To Ask God to Accept Our Offering
    3. To Ask for Blessings
    4. The “Memento”, To Commemorate the Dead
    5. The “Nobis Quoque Peccatoribus”, To Ask for Our Eternal Happiness
    6. Final Doxology, and Minor Elevation

Prayers Before Communion

  1. The “Pater Noster”
  2. The “Libera Nos”
  3. Breaking of the Host
  4. The Mixture of the Body and Blood
  5. The “Agnus Dei”
  6. Prayers for Holy Communion
    1. Prayer for Peace and Fidelity
    2. Prayer for Holiness
    3. Prayer for Grace
  7. Communion of the Priest
  8. Communion of the Faithful

Prayers After Communion

  1. The Ablutions
  2. The Communion Antiphon
  3. The Postcommunion
  4. Ite Missa Est and Blessing
  5. The Last Gospel